CBT vs. DBT in Substance Use Treatment

One thing that has become clear over the years is that there is no one-size-fits-all treatment approach for recovering from substance use. Two popular forms of therapy often used in treatment centers and outpatient programs are cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). Let’s look at CBT vs. DBT and their role in substance…

Finding Affordable and Accessible Depression Treatment

As debilitating as depression is, it can impact every part of a person’s life. Relationships falter and day-to-day tasks become difficult. A depression treatment center offers support to those dealing with this diagnosis. At Virtues Behavioral Health, we are here to help you find affordable, accessible treatment. Our mental health treatment center may be more…

8 Benefits of Individual Therapy

Overcoming drug and alcohol addiction means embracing a variety of therapy types. Individual therapy is perhaps one of the most important. During individual therapy sessions, participants work with their therapists in private sessions covering a wide range of topics and working to restore health one step at a time. An individual therapy program is a…

Addiction Treatment That’s Not 12-Step

Addiction treatment and recovery isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” approach. Several popular treatment models, such as the well-known 12-step program developed by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) may not work for everyone or match a diverse set of lived experiences. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, then Footprints Beachside Recovery’s non-12-step programs can provide immediate…

5 Benefits of Remote Addiction Rehab

The lockdowns and social distancing procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic have made it difficult for people to travel to healthcare facilities such as inpatient rehab centers to cope with their addictions. However, it increased the popularity of online rehab programs and telehealth services that have been proven to be equally effective in addiction treatment. If…

The Benefits of Holistic Treatment for Mental Health Conditions

Does the idea of public speaking tie your stomach up in knots? Do sweet words from loved ones leave you with a lump in your throat? Have you ever worried yourself sick? If so, then you’ve experienced the power of the mind-body connection. Whether we are consciously aware of it or not, the relationship between…