8 Benefits of Individual Therapy

3 years ago

Overcoming drug and alcohol addiction means embracing a variety of therapy types. Individual therapy is perhaps one of the most…

Addiction Treatment That’s Not 12-Step

3 years ago

Addiction treatment and recovery isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” approach. Several popular treatment models, such as the well-known 12-step program developed by…

5 Benefits of Remote Addiction Rehab

3 years ago

The lockdowns and social distancing procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic have made it difficult for people to travel to healthcare…

The Benefits of Holistic Treatment for Mental Health Conditions

3 years ago

Does the idea of public speaking tie your stomach up in knots? Do sweet words from loved ones leave you…

The Facts about Depression (Infographic)

4 years ago

Depression affects your mental health as well as your physical health. The symptoms of depression can have a negative impact…

Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Florida

4 years ago

For many people, drug addiction accompanies other health problems. Many people feel surprised to learn they also need help for…

The Relationship Between Anxiety and Addiction

4 years ago

The more you learn about yourself and your addiction, the more you discover how interconnected your addictions and mental health…

Family Therapy Program

4 years ago

When people think of a residential treatment program for teens, individual and group counseling typically come to mind first. While…

Myths About Mental Health

4 years ago

The Most Common Mental Health Disorders According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, mental health disorders are…

Treatment Options for Children Experiencing Trauma

4 years ago

Trauma can be devastating to a child, impacting them for years to come. That’s why embracing trauma treatment as soon…