The Relationship Between Anxiety and Addiction

The more you learn about yourself and your addiction, the more you discover how interconnected your addictions and mental health issues are. One of the most common mental illnesses so many people struggle with is anxiety. Anxiety and addiction are often related, and for many people, they fuel each other, making each of them worse and more difficult to manage.

If you’re battling addiction and anxiety, you are not alone. At Bayview Recovery, we’re committed to providing dual diagnosis treatment, which treats both conditions concurrently. To learn more about our services, such as our partial hospitalization program, please contact Bayview Recovery today by calling 855.478.3650.

What Is Anxiety?

Many of our patients are desperate to seek relief from their anxiety because it can be extremely distressing, even debilitating. Their daily lives are impacted by their anxiety levels. They can find it hard to function, to keep up with their responsibilities and obligations. Sometimes just getting out of bed can feel like an insurmountable challenge. When it comes to what they feel anxious about, it can vary and can be as unique as they are as individuals.

Something that is anxiety-provoking to one person might be meaningless to another. They might be desperately anxious about leaving the house or having to be in public. They might fear public speaking or driving. Alternatively, they might have anxiety-filled phobias, complexes, and neuroses that keep them from living their lives fully and uninhibited. They might be filled with dread and panic. For many of us, their most painful life experiences and memories stay with them long after the event in the form of anxiety.

The Connection Between Anxiety and Addiction

Many people often feel misunderstood by people around them who can’t comprehend why they would experience so much anxiety about something they perceive to be harmless. Their anxiety disorder can cause them to feel isolated and alone. They can feel desperate to escape their thoughts. More than anything, they don’t want to feel the pain of their anxious thoughts anymore. Many of them turn to addiction to try to numb the pain and make them forget. When they are zoned out or feel elevated, the severity of the thoughts can be reduced. They feel some relief. They feel they have a temporary escape.

Their anxiety is a major factor in why they become so dependent on their addictions. It’s their anxiety they’re running from and trying to avoid. When they come down from their high and are inundated with their anxious thoughts all over again, they want nothing more than to get back to that numb place of avoidance. They feel desperation, despair, and hopelessness. They haven’t learned healthy coping strategies for their anxiety, so they convince themselves that their addictions are the only way they can manage them and give themselves some relief.

Seek Help at Bayview Recovery

At Bayview Recovery, we know how challenging battling addiction and anxiety can be. Fortunately, we also know that there is support available. At Bayview Recovery, we offer a wide array of mental health and substance use conditions. With the help of evidence-based and holistic treatment options and even a partial hospitalization program, you can begin to heal and thrive. Our treatment options include:

We treat substance abuse problems as well as the co-occurring disorders that often accompany them. If you struggle with both anxiety and addiction, Bayview Recovery can provide you with the care you need to regain your health and manage your condition. For more information about the treatment options available, please reach out to Bayview Recovery today by calling 855.478.3650 or using our convenient online form.

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Drug Counseling Centers

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